Thread: Truck Fire!!!
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Old 04-27-2015, 07:32 AM   #56
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Re: Truck Fire!!!

Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post
I don't agree with the response to the firemen but I also don't agree with the attitude of the one poster commenting "their efforts are dependent on attitude". Wow, nice attitude--volunteer doesn't mean you have that right to determine your level of response based on what the owner is saying or how he is acting! Most fire scenes are highly emotional if the owner is present, you probably need some sensitivity training or a change in volunteer professions.

Good that you went over and spoke to the firemen. Most of the firemen nowadays don't know much about older vehicles so I would give them a break. Not all firemen are car guys either so a car is a car is a car to a lot of them.

Note that I put a couple of small swivel ports in the side of the hood of my 72 in the event these was a fire--on either side towards the back. Simple. Carry the fire extinguisher, swivel the port open and spray inside. No need to open the hood and it will suppress the fire such that you can then open the hood I would guess--okay, I'm hoping!

Good luck with the rebuild.
I haven't been a firefighter for ten years but I can guarantee you that there is not any fire depts that operate the way the poster who is a volunteer described. I wouldn't give that statement a second thought.
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