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Old 07-25-2015, 10:16 AM   #16
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Re: Learned valuable lessons today!

Originally Posted by slowcpe View Post
I'll add that when I turned 16, I sold my dirt bike and put a stereo in my car loud enough to where you couldn't hear the person sitting next to you talk. That was over 20 years ago and I still remember those days jamming and cruising down the road. Heck now I make a pretty decent living installing speakers in people's homes and businesses.

Sounds like your son has a pretty good head on his shoulders, works hard, and deserves to enjoy some of the fruits of his labors.
Back in 1985, I saved up my grocery store money ($3.35 per hour) and put a system in my '73 Chevelle that was pretty loud. No boom boom amps & base in those days, just loud hair metal blasting out of those speakers. 1985-1988 were great high school and freshman year of college years for me and my music did figure in, most definitely. Certain songs still bring back very distinct memories to me. Great White, Dokken, Whitesnake, Tesla, LA Guns, and Cinderella were some of my faves in those days.

I can't relive those days through my son. He's gotta do things his way. I've gotta let him. GTT
1987 GMC Sierra
1990 GMC Sierra (stolen)
2003 Chevy Silverado
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