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Old 02-16-2004, 07:18 PM   #17
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Cherryville, NC
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Well, from reading Tony's reply to this tells me exactly what happened. He gave a quote. Things were added and he raised the price. This is fine. He couldn't be expected to do more stuff for the same price of an original agreed to price. But, just by what he said, telling the price of everything and so forth, tells me he seen he had under quoted and seen he wasn't going to make as much money as he thought. So the quality of the work suffered. He hurried through it to keep from losing his ass.

I am in business for myself, not auto work, but Carpentry. If I bid a job and we both agree to the price, no way can I go back and add money to it. If I see I under bid, it's my fault. I can't expect the customer to cover me not bidding enough. If they add stuff in the middle of the job, sure I tell them real quick what the extra cost will be.

But, and this is a big but, if the job goes as planned with nothing added and I lose money because of my stupidity, it's my loss. I still do the job right and do it to my best ability. Why, because I have a reputation to uphold. Word of mouth advertising from satisfied customers means more to me than losing money on one job. Besides, I couldn't sleep at night if I made a mess of someones truck the way Tony did. Just no excuse for it, unless he can't do any better. If this is the case, it's time for you to find another line of work, because the one you are doing now sucks big time.

1985 Chevy C-10
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