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Old 02-16-2004, 07:46 PM   #18
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Tony-you might appreciate your "true friends" coming to your defense, but believe me, they did you no favors. Instead they only made the situation worse by an incompetent and irrational defense totally off the subject. Refunding any or all of XXL's money is just not going to get it-the only way out of this as I see it is for you and XXL to agree to returning the cab to Elkin and doing it over properly and at your expense.
If this is done to everyone's satisfaction, then it's XXL's duty to come back to this forum and state so accordingly. Yes, you will lose a lot of money and that's unfortunate, but it's better than the alternative if I can see in the future at all. You see, money is not the real issue here--your reputation is, and you can not buy your reputation back. Maybe you're independently wealthy and can afford to react the way you are--I think not.

Stepsides look like real trucks!

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