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Old 08-26-2015, 08:08 AM   #16
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Re: So how much do you actually drive yours??

I had a friend that restored a 71 LS6 Chevelle with the same issue, was so anxious could not enjoy it.
I was that way with the first car I ever restored.. a '79 Monte with Buick 455. I had dreams about things happening. It got stolen, stripped, shot, wrecked, burned, rusted, even flooded in a hurricane. There were so many bad dreams I would realize I was having another bad dream and not even worry. After all, that many bad things can't possibly happen to the same car. Eventually the dreams stopped and I just didn't worry as much.

Currently the '57 has some damage mostly from other people while it was in storage in rented spaces. Somebody had the driver's door open and something red caught the rear of the door while being lowered. Dented the inside of the door, chipped the rear edge of the door, pushed the door out of alignment. Was it an engine on a hoist? Car on the lift next to it being lowered? No one ever fessed up. But someone was nice enough to brush touch the rear edge of the door to try and hide the damage. Hah. RH side has a gouge from a jet ski trailer pushed next to it during another winter. One hubcap got dented but those have since been replaced. The bottom rear of the LH fender has a crinkle. That was my fault as I didn't set up the hoist properly because I was in a hurry to do an oil change. Is it disappointing? Yes. Is it worth anxiety? No. It's a driver, not a museum piece. I spent three years working pretty hard to get it done. If all I do is worry about the truck when I drive it then those three years were a waste of time. Get good insurance and relax.
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