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Old 10-27-2015, 10:10 PM   #20
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Re: My 83' Crew Cab Dually project

Originally Posted by slammed427 View Post
I read on another forum about a guy that made his adapters for a stud pilot wheel. I think it was 3/4 or 1" plate, drilled and tapped for 3/4 bolts. Pretty cool idea.
I'd think that I'd still need a lathe to make sure it's perfectly round. I may check with a local machinist. $800 just seems really steep for what they are. I'm not in a hurry to run the big wheels just yet. There's so much more to do and the 16's don't look terrible. I'll probably rock these for at least the first year.

Originally Posted by travlinman View Post
Nice progress. Ive been sitting on my crew dually for a year now. I took the bad 454 out for a04 ls and been stuck. Now thinking about pulling it for another carb motor. Ive got all power inside and thinking about pulling everything out and starting over with a complete new harness. .how big was ur notch and how big do u think u should go to?
Im going with the 22 alcoa semi wheels. Where did u find the adapters for 800? Ive only found 900 and above.
ill be watching to see how u get this done. Might sell my projector part it out and buy another running truck and start over.
I'm not even sweating the power plant right now. It has a strong small block and seeing that I have a 50 mile round trip commute, it's relatively easy on the wallet. I like to "try" to stay focused on one thing at a time or I'll get overwhelmed by the whole project. Suspension, body, power train.

My notch was 7". To be honest, I didn't do much research prior to doing it and I come from the old school of channeling to do any kind of body drop. Recently, I looked into the SFBD that seems to be the thing now, and I'm regretting that I hadn't looked closer. 7" will get it to set on the frame squarely. So, I'm roughly 4" short of where it should be "if" I do the SFBD. At this point, I'm seriously considering just doing a traditional body drop or channeling as we used to call it. (Am I showing my age? Haha)

I saw the adapters on eBay for $800...of course there's $100 shipping with that, so $900 is correct.

Originally Posted by aggie91 View Post
Nice project you have going on. I have seen the 'burb tank used in the rear also. I think 75dually used one on his build on here.

BTW, here is a link to aftermarket dually fenders. PN GM-201R and GM-201L
The donor is right outside the shop, but it's been raining like hell and I hate wrenching in the rain! If it clears up at all, I'm going to pull it and see how it fits up.

I can't believe I never saw those fenders. Oh well. It was only a days work to do the fix and I learned something new from it so not all is lost.

Now, if I can just find some time to get back out and get the links tacked in. I was able to get the axle set at ride height and remove the leaf packs and mounts. BTW - those spring perches on the axle are a MOTHER to cut off!
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