Thread: Restoring Rusty
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Old 01-01-2016, 03:00 PM   #4
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Re: Restoring Rusty

man you guys (and gals) won't believe this, so yesterday afternoon I am painting the window regulator with some POR15 I had left over, the regulator is hanging on a wooden stick I have screwed to the top of my wooden fence, when all of a sudden the screws come out of the fence beam and the regulator falls to the ground and it just so happens it lands in a plastic storage bin lid, which is flipped upside down and full of rain water

my heart sinks, I already hate painting in the winter time and now I have a completely painted part under water, I pull it out upset as all heck, lay it down on a metal patio table and without skipping a beat using the same brush, brush off all the water beads, then I hang it inside my garage over night

well this morning I go look at it and its all dry, my goodness how did that happen, it dried in the dead of the winter and it was like 28*F last night and looks fine

you know what they say sometimes POR15 works in mysterious ways!

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