Thread: Restoring Rusty
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Old 02-11-2016, 11:59 PM   #2677
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Re: Restoring Rusty - Two Steps Forward One Step Back

Originally Posted by Front Range View Post
In High School I was in the passenger seat of my buddy's pick-up while we went to MacDonalds for lunch. Kids from our school had to make a 10 minute trip into town for "not-school" food. The truck was a rodded cherry red 1954 Chevy pickup. It was quick - like dry lightning, and well known on Main Street. Coming back from lunch, late for school, on a tightly packed 2 lane rural highway just outside of town, he punched it to pass a line of slow moving cars. By punched I mean it felt like the Boot of God came down and kicked that little truck square in the ass.

We snapped back into the seat, howling instantly up from a plodding 25mph through 65mph into 70. The next thing I remember is the loud BANG of the big bubble hood slamming back into the glass and cab, and then overwhelming fear. Time gets contorted, everything moves both quick and slow, pure adrenaline. I still remember that mind numbing blank windshield where the outside world should have been. Then tires squealing, the uncontrolled whipsawing, weightlessness... and that thick ass dirt & rubber smoke filling my nose. Ended up out in the field, no one hurt, and euphorically wondering how it was we were still alive when we should be dead.

I'm 48 now but still feel it like yesterday. Very glad you came out of it unscathed. Check for gray hairs on your head.
man, I love your writing style, and more importantly the fact that no one was hurt
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