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Old 05-09-2016, 01:54 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Taber Alberta
Posts: 400
Re: Trucks just sitting/rusting away

I don't mind if it's on people's private property, but I have a story that pisses myself off big time. My uncle is kind of a hoarder, and my aunt HATES that he is. So he has a bunch of stuff lying all over his acreage, which is whatever. About 10-12 years ago someone from town asks to store a truck out at their place. My uncle quickly agreed, and my aunt reluctantly agreed as the owner said it would only be a few months till his new shop was built. Fast forward a decade after many inquiries about the truck at first, there it sits. This is where I come in. I've been ogling the truck since I was a young teenager. It's nothing fancy, just a regular '70 c10 long box, 2wd with a little 250. The box is very beat up, but the cab and forward is really nice and clean with no rust. I've been wanting to buy it for a year now, and only recently have I gotten his number. My aunt really wants it off her property, as she is trying to clean up and curb my uncles hoarding habits. I call up the guy, and he is almost shocked that I asked if he wants to sell it. He gave me the ol' answer "I was just clearing a place in my yard for it". I mentioned my aunt really wants it gone (truth and bargaining chip), but he insisted it would be gone within a couple weeks. A month later there it sits. That truck will never move. 🤔
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