Thread: Stolen....
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Old 07-24-2016, 03:10 AM   #66
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Stolen....

Originally Posted by PapaNui View Post
Sorry to hear about this theft, but not surprised. King county treats auto thieves, like j-walkers. It's the same few guys committing these thefts over and over. The cops know who did this, but they're not going to go after them, only to have the courts put them back on the street. We all know these old trucks have zero security measures from the factory, and pretty much any old key will work a 50 year old lock. The reality is, if you have a ride you want to keep, don't leave it at a park-n-ride, and if you do, insure the sh*t out of it.
I used to do ride alongs with two local officers and one of those strongly urged me not to pursue that field. He said, and I am quoting here "don't do this. We arrest the same people every week for the same things and the courts let them go."

It's not that police don't want to, it's that the courts, mayors, governors, and on up won't allow it. I have a friend on another local department and I asked him directly (privately) if the recent anti-cop political environment has affected his department as I was again considering becoming a cop. He said "not officially but yes, we've all discussed it." So that told me they are simply not going to police as they should for fear of losing their careers.

*That reply, last summer's news, and offhand comments by that department's police commissioner convinced me a career in police was a bad idea. It's too bad too, as I would have made a very good one I think.

I know crime in large cities is on the rise due to that and this theft here may be an product of that.


Thanks man, I might could use ya. My neighbor scared off a prowler casing my house about a month ago and I spotted an ATV doing the same thing at 3:30 AM about a week ago. This latest event was three guys on ATV's acting insanely suspicious near my house. Either they were on LSD or they meant to break in just as I was literally pulling into my driveway. Had I come in say 60 seconds later, you might have heard about it on the news. In fact, I'm pulling an all nighter just in case they are dumber than I thought and want to drop by again.

I'll come out and say it I WISH I HAD BEEN IN THAT PARKING LOT WHEN 68 IRON'S TRUCK WAS BEING LOADED UP. In fact, after this thread, if I ever see a vehicle being taken, even if it does seem like a repo, I'm making contact, calling police, and following the vehicle until they show up. I've tailed drunk and even aggressive drivers until police have showed up, nothing new for me.

And I'd say that probably was their cover story "just another repo." City folk are used to it and even more used to not getting involved.
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