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Old 08-29-2016, 06:31 AM   #2228
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Location: Rochester, KENT
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside RESTO-GO!

So a quick update for those still reading, interested and waiting for me to get my finger out and start building a truck again.......

Following on this question from David:

[quote author="@smokeem" source="/post/2238762/thread" timestamp="1472052907"]Those poor cats. Can't you keep them all together? They would never settle at a new home. Ours still haven't six months after moving. It's so stressful for them.[/quote]

I was so emotionally torn between keeping them all, and actually letting Nicola take some responsibility for the chaos she has created.
The cats have always been in two camps, Tabitha and Dukey vs Harkey the thug.

They have all lived in about 6 homes over the last 16 years and always managed to adapt. This time the split had been decided by Nicola who did not want to take Harley along, but also knew the relationship she has with me and the garage and shed. So I agreed to Harley staying with me.
See update below on status quo.

On Friday I had a busy work day, but when I finished, I rushed home, gathered the to cats that were headed for Nicola's new place as she could not leave her new place, as there was a plumber guy fitting her new dish washer and washing machine, so I "Volunteered" to take over four more boxes of odd bits I had gathered in the house and also the two cats, fitted into travel baskets.

Both were unimpressed when I popped them in the baskets and drove them over the 8 miles to their new home.
With Dukey the ginger boy screaming all the way, he does not like driving.

When I got there, I spent about 90 minutes in her house, settling them down, Tabitha took about 10 minutes to settle and start marking her territory. While the Ginger Whinger shot upstairs and laid under a bed protesting loudly. I laid on the floor in suit and tie next to the bed and chatted with him for about 45 minutes then went downstairs where he eventually joined us.

After I went home, Nicola sent this pic, of him doing a rug roll and having it off with the table leg, so all was good there.

She will keep them indoors for up to two weeks.

Saturday morning Harley was up at 05.00 as usual, he'd butting me to get up and feed her and let her out.

Later I had a mug of tea and she showed me just how upset she was that the other cats had gone.

Clearly not a happy cat now that all the house and surrounds belongs to her.

Saturday evening I had company, a great dinner and felt very much human again.

While I was watering the garden I was also rewarded with this pic.

I am off to CraigRK later, picking up a guest along the way, so it will be BBQ and old cars I suspect.

In other news, time is coming close to my 2016 American road trip, which of course starts and ends in St Louis, Missouri at Dennis' place.

Last week Dennis asked me if I would be game for another short blast and road trip for a coffee at the Centre of the Universe.......

You may ask where and what the Centre of the Universe is.

TAKE A LOOK HERE..........

How many one person threads do you know that has gone well past 4.6 million views and 10k replies.

So I sent Thomas, the thread master and owner of the shop the following message and he replied thus:

Originally Posted by BB767
Originally Posted by Grizz1963
Hi Thomas,

I trust you are well.

Not sure if you are aware, but I will be landing in St Louis, Missouri late on October 6th and going to see my friend Dennis Jones.
We were video chatting tonight and he mentioned that he was probably around 3-ish hours from the centre of the Universe.

Depending on loads of variables, would it be forward of me at this time of you and Chris being bogged down in building a new home, to ask if you would have a cuppa coffee for a random pair of sight seers?

I am happy not to bother you at all, but Dennis suggested it.


Hi there Rian, I think it would be fantastic if you and Dennis took the effort to come see us and take a shop tour, no problem at all! As the date approaches, if you can give us a better idea of date and time you think you might be here, that will help ensure both Chris and I are available.

For your planning purposes, the shop address is:

999 Long Winding Rd.
Philo, IL 61864

My cell phone is £-&£@-#€$-¥•*~
Chris's cell phone is ¥-€#}-£9?-&#+$

Very cool indeed, looking forward to meeting another friend in person!

Kindest regards, Thomas

Dennis replied to me once I sent him Thomas' response..

So it looks like this year is going to be another good one.

Thank you all for looking I and the support you offer every day.

I guess we are all in it together.

And from Ta2don there was this contribution,

Bed time now.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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