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Old 12-14-2016, 10:35 PM   #206
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Re: 68 C50 Looongbed pickup build

Originally Posted by Deer_hunter_088 View Post
People at school are like "why aint the 69 done?" i always say, "well because $$$" then they ask "why aint ya parents paying for it?" Then i always say " It wouldnt be my truck then would it?"But i go to a school where evreyones mommy and daddies pay for their cars, minus a few. but you can tell the people with silver spoons, and the ones that know the word work.
Well said deer hunter!

Originally Posted by rusty76 View Post
My stepson tells me all about the kids at school and how they drive these fancy cars. He gripes about driving a RIO but I tell him it aint crowded walking. And the bus still come by the house. If we were rich, or pretended to be he could drive a BMW too. I don't know how the parents pay the insurance. Its high as crap. Most expensive thing next to the house payment. Good for you young man. Stick to your guns and hold your head high.
Some People are so caught up in appearances these days that their kids are just accessories that they "decorate" with fancy cars to reinforce the appearance of wealth.

Originally Posted by C10 - C90 Bill View Post
When I was a kid, if I didn't buy the car or truck myself, pay for the insurance myself and pay for all the other expenses myself, I was walking.

And sure enough, it all meant a whole lot more to me to boot.
Yep, I went to work at 14 to save up the money to buy my first car when I was about to turn 16. My parents did pay the insurance the first couple of years but the rest was on me.

Originally Posted by Stephen717 View Post
plus there's the fact that if you're parents go out and buy you a car, you don't care for it or respect it as much as if you go out and work to pay for it yourself...

... Sorry for the rant.
So very true. When I was in high school there was a kid that got a brand new car for hi 16th birthday. It was totaled in less than a year. He got another and totaled it and another. I know one was a Z28 and one was a Trans Am, don't recall wha the 3rd one was. The lesson? No skin in the game, no respect.

...Rant on my friend!

Originally Posted by Hewfil1 View Post
I see all these kids in my school getting bought a brand new car at 16, showing it off, driving like idiots. Then there's me in my rusted out truck, beat up Saturn, and a motorcycle that has been laid over more times than a streetwalker. They all laughed, they all looked on them like they're trash. But little did they know, each one has a story. Each one I worked hard for. Then when the day came I'd had enough, I'd gotten sick of it. We lined up on an old stretch of highway, and they were shown what a few thousand dollars and a dream can do, instead of my parent's $18,000 and a set of keys to be handed. There will always be more heart in something you build, or something you got yourself.
I used to imagine that they' run home and yell at their parents for buying them a car that wasn't fast enough

Originally Posted by Deer_hunter_088 View Post
Kids now adays dont respect anyone/ anything it seems. like my 69, and my s10 gets picked on DAILY but then you see them rolling around in mustangs, camaros, bmws, etc. Then they call me tryin to get help fixin their broken car...........
Don't take any crap off of them, get that 69 going and hold your head high!

For anyone wondering what happened to the progress on my truck, I was kind of under the weather last weekend. I'm picking up a new master cylinder next Saturday and then on to the next phase.

I may have too many Chevys... Is that possible?
68 c50 pickup build:
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