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Old 01-10-2017, 03:42 PM   #50
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Re: 1941 project fenix

yeah I needed something with a smaller under bushing because of the mount proximity to the frame, I was surprised when these came up but work perfect. The center hole is about an inch and the bolts are 5/8, so you can do a bit of wiggling, which I like.

edit: I am down with a cold so no work today BUT I am always on the scout for project parts and saw a longbed v6 truck with lowish miles on craigslist for way too much money, he was asking 1600 and I thought maybe 8 kind of too much. he dropped the price by 200 every couple days so today at $1000obo it was time to call. Body wasted, but who cares, I offered him about half and we settled close to that. I figure the toolbox and weirdo crane setup (mobility chair lift setup maybe?) are worth half what I paid, and even if I only used the seat and the frame the rest is worth it. so that 41 cab I havent picked up yet has a home when this 41 is done. its a 5 spd too! and the motor is clean enough to eat off of if you like eating spiderwebs and acorn shells I guess.

rearview mirror on the dash, musta benna EYEtalian (old joke)

the big scratches on the side are from me, dead limb I thought I would clear.

he showed me his other toys, I didnt know they made these stock I thought they were all conversions.

this was neat, a chain driven FWD 400hp car. I think I knew more about it than he did.

more progress saturday, if I make it. this colds a doozy.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE

Last edited by joedoh; 01-10-2017 at 10:17 PM.
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