Thread: Wheels & Rims
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Old 03-07-2017, 11:04 AM   #15
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Location: Kansas City
Posts: 47
Re: Wheels & Rims

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I clicked on the second link and now my computer is all messed up and the link doesn't work. Actually, I was kidding about the first part. Welcome to the Board. Now that you're here you have to listen to what wheels we tell you to put on your truck. Some of these guys have really bad taste but the rest of us will come along and start a big fuss and the thread will get locked. But, you'll know to not get those and just start a new thread. In the end it's what you like, so look around at picture threads if you haven't already, search around. We all have a look we are after in mind.

About your user name, I'm curious how you decided on that one, f you don't mind. Reason I ask is I'm in Maryland and I always associate Freestate with that. Is there another place with that name? Just being curious about history.

Thanks for the tips! I'm open to any suggestions and advice. I'm just going for a classic truck look with nothing too flashy on the rims. My truck used to be my grandfathers farm truck and it has been handed down in the family. I finally got it restored and I'm putting the final touches on it.

As for the name, I used to live in Lawrence, KS while attending school. Freestate is a brewing company that serves up some amazing beer ( There is also a long history story of where they got their name and the rivalry between two states.
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