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Old 03-07-2017, 11:51 AM   #8
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Location: Bernville PA
Posts: 61
Re: 1990 GMC crew cab build

So progress has been slow, and no pictures to date. The warmer weather motivates me to get working again.

To date I have completed the fuel and brake lines and begun to hang the fenders again in preparation for body work. When I took the truck apart months ago I tagged and bagged all of the body shims I took off knowing they could go right back in. I put them in a special place where they would be safe. They are still there and safe, and I can't find them. I should revert to my old ways and put all hardware in one big tub or scatter it all across the floor as it would be easier to find. Ugh.

Got everything hooked up enough to try to start with dead batteries and found no fuel flow. Needed a new mechanical fuel pump. Fortunately that job is much easier when you can take the fender off.

Still waiting for my guy to pull his dually hubs so I can have them turned....again.
1958 Chevy 3/4 ton flat bed
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