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Old 03-24-2017, 02:25 PM   #8
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Re: 1970 Med Olive Project


If we were talking about standard braided line, I would agree that you would need to service (replace) the line every few years because they will not hold up to pump gas and all of it's additives, especially in areas that use ethynol. I have always ran Pro-Lite 350 on all of my race cars and have gotten years of trouble free service running race gas. The cars we ran methanol in though, we would start seeing the lines start to soften after a couple of seasons. I will never run the pro-lite on anything that will see today's pump gas though.

The BMRS lines use a PTFE liner that is impervious to all fuels and additives and will most likely outlast the car that your are puting them on as long as you keep them away from heat and keep any moving parts from rubbing. They are lighter and more flexible then the Pro-Lite 350 as well.

Here is a link to what I am using. High Temp Polymer Braid. They have crimped fittings and BMRS pressure tests them to 250PSI.

I will confirm when I get home but I'm pretty sure I have right at $275-$300 in all three lines and fittings for the cell. Yes it's a little pricey but like I said, they should outlast my truck. Anything I can use that gives me piece of mind and has little to no chance of failure, I will willingly spend a little extra $$ on. I will add that if you order these, ask for the swivel fittings so it's easier to clock your fittings at the pump, fuel rail etc..

70 Med Olive build

Instagram- protouring66
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