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Old 04-27-2017, 10:50 AM   #8
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Re: How to blend rockers and cab corners

post up a pic of the problem and we may come up with some answers.

I welded mine at the rear. the rear side of the rocker got massaged to fit well for body lines and then got welded to the cab corner. it will flow nicely and look like one piece when painted. is that the look you want? be sure to check the rockers to ensure any water will run out of the step and maybe get that angle right as you are massaging the fit between the rocker and cab corner. how big is the gap you have there? the rocker should fit at the front edge where the pillar comes down, then, if the rocker is the right length-like a smidge longer than the door-then the rear can be adjusted to fit the cab corner. the front is the critical end for door alignment and fitting of the fender.
my opinion only.
when you do the hinge pillars make sure to get the floor height correct so the rocker height will also be correct for drainage etc. mark the pillar up higher than the cut line you will do (centre punch and take a pic of measure with steel ruler, not a tape measure) and measure down to the floor height and the step height. use a piece of poster board as a template to get the curve right on the pillar and index that with the pillar so when you cut the old part off you will get the new part to fit the same and the door seal will actually seal. bolt the hinge up before you tack weld to ensure the spacing is correct front to rear. I included some pics of how I set mine up. not saying it is the right way, just reference for you.
my opinion only
have fun
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