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Old 04-09-2004, 11:52 PM   #55
Cause the Chicks DIG IT!!
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Beaufort SC
Posts: 509
You know Jeff I think thats the nicestest gesture i"ve ever had. But it is not necessary anymore thanks anyway. I took the truck on base tonight and tried putting welds on it and then welding a washer and then bolt to the washer. Welds kept on breaking. Finally ended up using a torch and we heated the bolt up real goood then hit it with a blast and the EZ out popped right out. then did the weld with the washer and broke the bolt loose but we couldn't get it out cause there was weld in the threads. Ended up drilling the whole bolt out. I put the old pump on to use as a guide so I wouldn't screw up the hole but sure as heck I did. It went in at a slight angle and I ended up taking out some of the inside of the blind nut. (The bottom bolt for the water pump goes straight into the water jacet but the top bolt hole does not have water to it) It was kinda cockeyed but when I put the pump on it was aligned for it, so I figured I'd just get a tap and try to tap the hole. God was laughing at me again today as I broke the tap inside the hole yet again Tools went flying everywhere as i was a little preterbed. I ended up getting the tap out with a pair of needle nose. Well to sum it all up I bolted up the water pump and fired it up and coolant came spraying out from around that top bolt i had just repaired. Shop was closing and kicked me out so I had to drive the 5 miles home like that as I didn't have the guy with the trailer anymore. Had to stop twice and let it cool down as it pretty much drained all the coolant which is a good thing only as I am draining it tomorrow to put a fricking heli coil in there. Well at least I got a good weekend of getting drunk in front of me if this works tomorrow
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