Thread: iBoard Suburban
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Old 06-07-2017, 09:30 PM   #3
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Re: iBoard Suburban


Funny you ask about the 5" instead of the 4".

For what ever reason in my head, it was set on the 4" plan and simple.

If I had to do it all over again, I would get two pieces of wood (4" and 5" wide) and do a mock-up with that first, before making the decision. The first thought in my head when setting it up was: "Should I have gotten the 5" instead?" Too late now.

As for the length, pretty sure it's 100% correct, but will double check it for you tomorrow to make sure.

What you will have to do it figure out the length and width you what, then call iBoard directly and ask them for a part number for a set of boards that are that length. Also, the mounting brackets are all different depending on the manufacture of auto, so keep that in mind. I think the Ford bracket was close to what I need, so went with that setup.

Mine are 74" long, part number "iboard ib-f4003a"

I'll let you know about the length tomorrow.

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