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Old 06-13-2017, 11:12 PM   #208
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Re: 1941 project fenix

I dont know where to start, I walked out today and this was on the floor of the cab.

I actually just sat down and looked at it for about a half hour. I didnt have anything on the floor that I wasnt using, and just two weeks ago it was completely empty while I built the missing piece of floor. divine intervention. I took the hint and installed it

I put the steering back together and yep, you guessed it, problems arose

the shifter rod was in a position that the set screw on the steering joint would hit it. only when it was in park though, so I considered just leaving it. who screws the steering wheel back and forth in park?

but then I reconsidered, even though the chances of it happening were small and there was plenty of give in the linkage to let it bump by, I wouldnt want that to happen. so I pulled the rod and shot myself in the foot by dropping it and having the bushing fly off to kingdom come. after 10 minutes modifying the rod (just added a kink) and 40 minutes searching for the bushing, I was done.

no joke, I havent ever seen that little bracket until today.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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