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Old 07-17-2017, 08:27 PM   #47
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 90
Re: 51 GMC 'Project Why Wait'

New update guys. Took a break from fuel setup and decided to focus on getting the chassis as a whole ready to be plumbed.

Almost instantly after setting up the rear end I realized I goofed, hard. I didn't cycle the suspension when I put the shock mounts in (there was a bar welded from the axle to the notch to make it easy to roll around and well...

The upper link mount hit the shock hard when at a certain point and there was no way around doing this.

The mount had to move, an unfortunately I had to do this to a freshly painted chassis. No bueno.

I ended up drilling and tapping the frame for the new mount (speedway mounts)

Then putting a weld on it to keep it from backing off. My lil migpack 110 and 15 amp breaker made this pretty hard hence the ground down welds with not a ton of penetration. However it's not backing out any time soon.

Then I spent a LOT of time prepping the frame for repaint and then sprayed it. It's all rattle can but I think it turned out decent, I still have to do some wetsanding and polishing down the road once the paint is good and cured.

In between huffing paint I slapped on my brakes, 85 Trans Am rear, 98+ Blazer front for those keeping score at home

and as I had mentioned before the front end is pretty well wrapped up too

That's pretty well where I'm at and a more in depth update on the paint process and my lessons in humility are on

Moving on to figuring out where my tanks/compressor etc are going to go now while I wait on some brake lines to arrive.
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