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Old 08-01-2017, 11:19 AM   #23
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Posts: 37
Re: 71 C20 Build - Road to Reno

Also, I was surfing around while drinking my coffee and coming up with a plan for today when I cam across a post from 2015 that stands to be mentioned again....

from CooperHW - "Actually you have done exactly what we recommend new enthusiasts "NEVER DO". Probable over half (maybe 85%) of first time builders jump in the deep end like you have done and at some point after thousands of dollars and hours have been spent, realize that they no longer have the passion or determination to keep going. I HOPE this does not happen to you and your name is added to the list.
When you bought it two weeks ago it was a truck. It no longer is a truck. It is now a project or a pile of parts. Please, make this thing a truck again. Keep putting in the hours. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
All of us that have done many restorations over the years also started with "Our First". That's where you are at. We also had to struggle with firsts. and try to avoid the "While I am at it I might as well",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
You might want to remind yourself that this is your trucks "first incarnation". Get her back on the road and being a vehicle that can once again put a smile on your face before it's too late. If it sits for any length of time without moving towards the finish line it will taunt you or haunt you. Show it who's boss."

I have two projects that have fallen into this category, the 64 Riviera and 68 Pontiac LeMans. as I was starting out on them I was just going to "fix" a few things and fell into the "While I am at it I might as well" category and got myself to a point of "what should I do first" and not having a plan they just sat.

I bring this up as the 71 almost fell into the same category. However, I had a set goal in place before I even moved the truck into the shop.
1. make sure it is safe to drive. (moves and STOPS)
2. fix the rust that has exposed the outside to the inside
3. make it all one color and pretty. leave the interior for another day.
4. have as much completed before Aug 4th for Reno. We leave Aug 5th.

For the most part I am pretty happy with the outcome given the short deadline. the wife keeps reminding me that this is not a SEMA build and that it looks 100 times better then 3 weeks ago.

SOOOO.... to all out there... come up with a plan and STICK to the plan.
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