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Old 08-07-2017, 11:14 PM   #258
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Re: 1941 project fenix

thanks for looking, and for the compliment

today I had a helper so I tackled a project I have been putting off. backstory: I found a 41 on craigslist last may that had good rear fenders, and a price so enticing that I drove an hour in a hailstorm (not kidding!) to pay for it an hour after it listed. when I got there he had a whole farm of treasures so I bought and bought, the complete 41, 3 more cabs on half frames, 7 beds (no extra rear fenders though). when it came time to haul them home though my "deal" with the local tow company was flag retail both directions even though they coincided it with a pickup on the return. when I bellyached about it, the farmer sold me his steel deck car trailer for a pittance. I brought everything including the trailer home last november for less than the tow company wanted to charge.

but I never unloaded the trailer, mostly because there were two half trucks on it and I didnt have a forklift or anything suitable. today though, I came up with a plan. I have the next donor longbed S10 already so I got permission from my neighbor to drive on his lawn and chain the back half truck to the S10 through the fence. then I just drove the trailer forward till the half truck fell off.
IMG_6730 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

IMG_6725 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

the back truck though is a 48-49 GMC and the frame does not go to the back of the cab, I would have ruined the cab dragging it off the same way, so we popped off the front clip, disconnected the pedals and cut the steering column on the "martin" line.

IMG_6724 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

ALMOST got the cab picked off with my lifting frame but got attacked by wasps that were a little irritated at us beating on their home.
check out this rust, weird that the kicks are gone but the floor is almost perfect!
IMG_6723 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I was going to work on the 41 some more but was pretty wiped with all the heavy work and of course all the running and screaming. that stuff really takes it out of you.

he is coming back tomorrow to help put nuts on bolts on the 41, so I should have a lot of progress to show by the evening.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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