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Old 12-20-2017, 11:10 PM   #77
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Re: Popular guy stuff that you dont like or do.

Originally Posted by CG View Post
I dunno if drinking is a popular guy thing, seems like it might be when someone posts .. What's your favorite adult beverage? Those threads usually take off. I was never a drinker. Never had a drop when I was a kid, didn't drink a beer until I had graduated from HS. There have been a few times I had too much to drink in my very early 20's. Its something I stopped before I even got started.

Honestly its a thing Ive never really been able to wrap my head around. I'm not against it or judgmental though. Personally I don't like the feeling of impairment, not even the smallest tiniest amount. When people say, How can you have fun without having a drink its very odd to me. I was at the store once buying some root beer and ice cream so we could have floats with the grand kids. Checkout person, Having root beer floats? (here's your sign lol) Lady in front of me, where's the bourbon? Cant have a root beer float without the bourbon. Its just odd to me haha.

Even though my teen years were in the 70's Ive never been high. Zero recreational drugs. Another thing I could never figure out why people would want to do. We would have giant bon fires out at the beach. The joints would be passed around and I always passed to the next guy. People that didn't know me would give me S ... but my friends always stood up for me, Hey man its just not his thing, more for us haha!

As far as what pants ... Its 501 jeans for me, always has been and always will be. When I do wear shorts in the summer Carhart makes some nice ones. Tough, and I like all the extra little pockets.

I wish I could say the same thing
I've always liked to drink
The older I get, the doctor says
That's the one thing you should stop doing
It ain't easy
(But I'm only a social drinker)
I think it is somewhat hereditary

My dad just turned 80
Talked to him the on his birthday
Said he is feeling up to another 10-15 years
All the smoking and drinking he did over the years
Can't believe he's still kickin

He is, was, and always will be, a great father
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