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Old 12-22-2017, 08:53 AM   #84
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Popular guy stuff that you dont like or do.

Originally Posted by Coley View Post
Here is a good

Who shaves or waxes their chest to remove all body hair?.....

I get a kick out the younger (millennial?) generation who are growing these big manly lumberjack beards.....then shave and wax their chest and body clean and clear of all other hair.
What is going on? happened to a generation of young 'men'?

Here is another one......anyone doing the hair color darkening thing to get rid or eliminate gray?
I'm not in that group...but a few of my friends have been hitting the paint, lol.....its definitely nothing that a lot of guys admit to although you can't miss that black or slightly orange/chestnut tinge.
In my past/mid 50's I'm definitely and proudly in the 'gray' group now.

All good
When I did P90X in 2013 I shaved my chest so I could more easily see the new definition I was getting. I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. It was a very itchy experience. On the plus side I did find one large blackhead I enjoyed getting out.

I started going grey by the time I was 21....I'm much more grey now but since I shave my head and (usually) my face, there isn't much hair of any color to see.

Skinny jeans: ugh....those guys look physically weak and mentally meek. I don't treat such people any differently but my impression of them is never good. Clothes really do "make the man" and that's how a person is judged by others. When I started working for an extermination company some years ago, a man at the training course said "wear a belt, it really makes you look better." He was right.

I am not PC and refuse to be, it is a cancer created by the Left to control speech and it works very well for the weak personalities that fall for it. I have never called anyone by a hyphenated race (example "African American") and I never will. Teddy Roosevelt wrote about this for the same reason. I see myself as "an American that happens to be white."

PanelDeland, you just don't realize how good it feels to "hold your life in your own hands" and pull it off. Fear builds inside of you as the plane goes higher and higher since you know "exit altitude" will soon be reached. The fear can become too much and some will freeze up (seen veteran paratroopers freeze up), others will lose the ability to move their muscles....whatever God you believe in you WILL pray to, but one prayer is best. The more you pray the more nervous you get. Crawling out onto the strut and hanging takes some will power....I have to say a head first dive out ("Superman Exit") is much easier. Oh but when you are in free fall ALL FEAR LEAVES YOUR BODY and you pass into a "world of bliss" since you cannot tell you are falling. You non-jumpers will never believe this but ask any skydiver and they will tell you the same. It's addictive.....

I actually look down on dope heads for that reason.....they choose an easy and fake path to ecstasy, when God put into their bodies all the dopamine they'd ever need, but the price of it is bodily risk, a price most will never consider paying. It's an "extreme sport" for a reason, as I like to put it "you can do everything right and still get killed."

Last edited by In The Ten Ring; 12-22-2017 at 09:16 AM.
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