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Old 01-29-2018, 11:06 AM   #8
The Older Generation

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Re: Moderators: Can you open post editing for older posts?

Originally Posted by Nick_R_23 View Post
Since the huge Photo-suck-it debacle seems to have died down now and most people have switched over to different image hosting sites, there's still a lot of dead picture links in threads that had a lot of otherwise valuable and interesting information in them. Many of the build threads are pretty much worthless since you can no longer view what is going on. My own is included since I've used PB for the closer part of a decade. I'm aware that there are browser extensions to allow pictures linked to PB to be viewed, but not everyone knows about these.

I was wondering if the moderators could allow post editing for those of us who would like to go back to our threads and update the pictures? It would surely be an improvement for helping the community gain some valuable information back!

The problem is there is no way to allow one registered member access without allowing all registered members access, whether they need it or not..... If it was just a few I would do it for you but it looks like you have a lot of pictures in that thread.


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