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Old 02-28-2018, 02:54 PM   #8
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Re: Annoying Phone Calls

I started blocking numbers. It doesn't stop the call, but it does not ring. Now I only get a few a week that are not blocked. I used to get several a day on my cell phone. Makes me so mad.

I had to turn off my land line, it became useless, nothing but solicitations all day. During the big solar panel push, I got nagged three or four times a day. To the point I had the sales people out here sitting in the drive way. I put out chairs for them and told them I would be back. I got side tracked answering the phone solicitation calls! I looked out my window at them a few times and wondered how they liked having their time wasted. They knocked on the door several times. I ignored them, they eventually left. Take that nag!

Did not stop the phone from ringing. Now all the solar panel nags have morphed themselves into home improvement contractor nags!

Now I block numbers. If I don't hear it ring, it didn't happen.

The do not call list is useless. I'm on it!

White K20
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