Thread: Wife's 48
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Old 04-24-2018, 01:46 PM   #55
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Re: Wife's 48

waaaay better explanation. its what mt brain was sayin. somehow it got mixed up before the keyboard got it.
like said, best to epoxy before the bondo. bondo is porous so it can hold moisture and cause corrosion or simply fall off when it de-bonds itself. epoxy seals the surface after metal working, then bondo, then epoxy, then high build primer. thats how I do it anyway. never used all metal except in the corners of the roof to A pillar where the old solder filler was used. got rid of the solder, sanded as much off as I could after melting it away, then all metal because I wasn't positive the regular filler would be there in 10 yrs if any lead was left under it.
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