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Old 05-11-2018, 06:38 PM   #23
Advanced Design
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Re: Bought a new high quality locally built car trailer

The ramps are retained by a spring loaded 3/8” diameter pin inserting into a hole in the side of the ramp. It takes some force to pull the pin out against spring pressure, so the ramps should be well secured.

So after an early departure I stopped for fuel, walked around the truck and trailer making sure all looked good, then I drove on some of the roughest state highway roads I’ve ever encountered. A 2,000 year old Roman Empire cobblestone road would be nice than this stretch of Illinois pavement.

Rolling into a smallish town about 30 mph I heard a bang and the dreaded steel dragging on asphalt sound we all hate to hear. Turned onto a side street to investigate and yep, the ramp was dragging. Fortunately it stayed hooked to the trailer as there was the typical traffic following too close behind. in the world did that get unpinned. Did I leave the pin disengaged?

So I grab the handle to pull the pin out and it wouldn’t move. Dive under the trailer (with about half the town population driving by me glaring) and sure enough, that pin is bent up about 30 degrees. Guessing the pin ended up above the ramp. Since the pin is toward the back of the trailer, I believe the weight and force of the bouncing ramp bent the pin up.

Bag of tools doesn’t include what I need to fix it. And I was too displeased with my fancy pants new car trailer to think of putting the ramp in the back of the truck. Doh....
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