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Old 06-13-2018, 10:34 PM   #8
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Re: 69 step side build (lots of pics)(needs lots of help)

Getting those header bolts out I would first spray them with some penetrating oil every day for a few days so it has time to soak down into the threads. Then I would try to grab onto them with a vice grip. If that doesn't work you could either weld a nut onto them and get a socket for some more torque. Or you could use heat and grab a torch to heat the area around the bolt and then spray some of that ice in a can? can't remember the name of it. It's an aerosol can that freezes whatever you spray. So you are using hot and cold to expand and contract the bolt. I've done both ways. Both of which are almost a last resort before drilling the bolt out and tapping a new hole. I would do the penetrating oil first that would be the easiest.

Good luck. Nice truck! Show us more pics!
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