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Old 07-04-2018, 12:19 PM   #5
Dead Parrot
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Re: Setting up my new 40'x30' building?

Run the data cable(s) in their own conduit. Will make it much easier to add a 2nd run or replace with fiber in a few years.

While you have the ditch digger, run a water supply and possibly a sewer run. Being able to clean the worst of the goo off before going to the house is good. Plus you need a supply for the power washer. Consider a cheap washing machine for the shop. Good for cleaning those greasy oily clothes and rags. Beats wondering where those little black streaks on your good clothes came from.

Don't scrimp on the power. 100A min, 200A better. Think Plasma cutter + compressor + climate control all running at the same time. If you add a 2nd building/pole barn later, it can be sub-paneled off the shop panel.

LED for lights.
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