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Old 07-04-2018, 09:53 PM   #79
AussieinNC's Avatar
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Re: Help a NOOB - A continuing saga

The reason I always put inline filters between the pump and carb is to catch the tiny diaphragm pieces that flake off in these old fuel pumps and systems. Always use a metal style inline filter, never plastic...they split and leak fuel...usually at the worst of times.

Yes, Quadrajets usually have a filter in the inlet fuel fitting, but seeing the quality of the carb rebuild I can almost guarantee the inlet filter is not in place.

If the fuel inlet fitting filter is missing and junk has come thru and partially blocked the seat...the flooding will be an easy fix.

I would be willing to bet that if you can get the carb off and open on a clean bench space, take the top off and post us a pic of the top turned over so we can see the float and needle...we can guide you to fix it yourself...

I dont suggest you try and get the top off with the carb on the engine...too many small items could fall into the engine.

When you take the carb off, put a clean piece of rag over the manifold to stop items falling into the engine.

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