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Old 07-20-2018, 12:38 AM   #11
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Re: What did you do with your truck today, Part 3

Originally Posted by MARTINSR View Post
I have a cheap brake, but it works like crap. I used a vice with a pair of one inch angle iron. Bend the middle one, using a spoon to gently do it. Then the bend on either side of that center I use piece of quarter inch by 1.5 inch flat stock and just whack it with the hammer.

Andrew, I can walk you through it if you want to give it a try. You will also need a shrinker/stretcher.

Hey Brian, appreciate the offer. Right now I have zero room in the garage for anymore equipment. I have a small 2 car garage thats not deep enough even for my truck, I need to remove the bumpers and bumper brackets to be able to close the garage door. Plus add in the 3 motorcycles I shoe horned in around it, and its almost impossible to get around it to work on. Reminds me, I need to sell some stuff to fund this project further.

Will probably start a build tread soon. Just trying to inventory what I have, what I thought I had and what I need to still get. My memory is very cloudy of what I thought I parked in the storage garage 20 years ago.
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