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Old 08-18-2018, 02:53 AM   #904
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Re: post up your camping pics

Originally Posted by Billhilly View Post
Hey Diesel,
Great pic's as usual. That's ALOT of fires you got going on over there! Almost unimaginable, sittin' down here. I was just reading Kimberly is on Evacuation Alert, 4500 people. Telegraph Creek having a tough run too. Stay safe!
actually about 3000 people evac'ed across the province right now Billhilly, and another 19000 on evac alert. we're actually down to 564 fires as of today. there has been more fires this year than last yr, but the fires last yr were waaaaay bigger.
lesser amount of fires last yr, but almost 3 million acres went up, almost twice as many fires this yr, but only around a million acres burnt so far
smoke has been the biggie this year, just blanketing everything...air quality index goes from 1-10, ten being's at anywhere from 20-40 depending on where you are....

but it's not just here only...i think people need to realize global warming is'nt fiction. we never had this many fires ever when we were growing up. we used to get maybe 6-10 days of mid 80's weather in the summer (30C) now we are getting around 30 plus days of mid 80's weather, which is drying things out much more and making the forests ticking time bombs....
Calf, Wash, Ore, Greece, Siberia, Europe, BC, all on fire, our planet seems to be getting hotter, which sucks, cause there is no planet "B" if we cook this one...
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