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Old 08-31-2018, 03:53 AM   #1284
Killer Bee
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Re: My Facetruck thread.

Originally Posted by flashed View Post

Them Groundhogs are destructive critters , its about time for me to give them Lead poision again here .
I tried a couple of times but no cigar.. illusive little !@#$ers! one evening while the kids were inside, I did get a quick glimpse of one from the house in the scope.. circled wide behind the garage building and just as I peeked around, zooom! so I circled the shed and when I looked down by the old barn, two big doe grazing.. one facing me looked up, right at me, I could see her nostrils flaring! her girlfriend popped up, wiggled her tail and zooom! wrong time of year of course I get one of the cleanest shots ever

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I like #3

To deter groundhogs from burrowing under slabs I set 4" block under the edge of the form. Has worked every time so far. They like under slabs because it's a shallow dig.
wish you were closer, I'd hire you! so I guess I'll have to settle for copying your ideas .. when I get things situated, would love to get a slab in there but I certainly don't want them to undermine that! I'll keep that in mind, thank you! we always had a couple or three dogs running around, I never seen anything bigger than a mouse inside the buildings, maybe a snake or bird occasionally to scare the crap out of you.. even around the buildings, only a few coons and possums passing through.. dad gone, no equipment running frequently and no dogs I think is allowing the critters to get too comfortable there.. might be a losing battle either way until I can move back and get things stirring again..

Originally Posted by davischevy View Post
Welcome to the Longhorn club Killer. I have been watching that truck. The K10 I'm working on now is ochre and white.

You did some serious work on the farm.
thank you sir! I'm excited to see it next trip out.. I know it needs bed wood so I'm going to try to have it shipped there ahead of my next visit.. I have been partial to 4wd last few years but I need my mom to be able to get in and out of it easily and not a lot of winter chores without cattle.. the neighbors are leasing the tillable and grazing land.. the farm is needy with dad gone, going to have to step up my game and make more trips than once a year.. working on hiring some equipment repairs right now and couple of very nice neighbors help out quite often thankfully..

and last but not least, good to see ChevyLand around, cheers!
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