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Old 09-25-2018, 01:02 PM   #1363
Killer Bee
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Re: My Facetruck thread.

wan't much on hotwheels when I was a kid, most weren't my taste.. but I did have a few matchbox 'stockers' that mom eventually gave to other kids that needed toys..

I did however have a fair footage of AFX track and miles of HO, little bit of N and one, now antique, 3 rail Lionel O gauge complete set still in original [tattered] box..

over a dozen HO engines and about 75 cars ran on several different layouts growing up.. dad had one left over from his younger adulthood that he eventually let me build onto.. finally built a dedicated table just for my trains.. trains and track all boxed up in the house back home, table is still around, keeping fertilizer or something like that off the concrete

my dad loved buying lego for me.. not the make believe village and space stuff so much, but the expert builder kits.. he always found value in assembling kits into something that functioned like real some degree, may be partly responsible for my career as a mechanic..

the boy's collection is no slouch, but most of the modern kits are full of purpose built, single use pieces that take a lot of the creative fun out of it.. and however cool he thinks the latest kit is, he's always bugging me to get mine out.. which he's allowed to play with of course but gets put away later

Mrs Bee and I spent hours sorting all the pieces out in hopes of putting some of the kits back together for my boy to build later.. I found this mega-site for locating missing or damaged pieces..

not vintage track but a cool four-lane setup I bought for the boy on Christmas couple of years ago.. although there's a lane for all of us, the china stuff just doesn't run near as well as the originals did

bought this china lionel set for the tree about 5-6 years ago.. nothing like the originals but suits the purpose I guess..

they just don't make toys like they used to, probably same thing my parents were saying when I was a kid

I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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