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Old 10-15-2018, 05:46 PM   #7
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Re: Delaminating clear, what to do

ok let me weigh in[ I'm at 345 lbs], ok enough jokes we may be getting confused on terms here. First of delamination is generally[GM] a paint problem where the paint does fail due to either adhesion problems or failed primer causing the paint to flake off. Those paint jobs did require me[ I was the GM approved body shop in the late 80's up until few years ago when the General shut down lots of dealers. My local dealer could not meet the requirements to do the warranty work and I did. Anyways to get back on track, the paint flaking was termed Delamination . And like I said that needed to be stripped. The other paint /finish fail was a clear coat problem called degradation and it was a clear problem that didn't require stripping but it did need to sand into the base and repaint and clear. So those two conditions often get confused or crosslinked and that is where som misinfo can happen. Test it the way the General made me test to see what is what. Take some green masking tape rub it down on the place that is messed upthen yank it off. does the paint come off or just clear? If it is just clear sand and refinish if it is paint strip and start from bare metal. I can almost still see me scraping off loose paint with a razor blade when I close my eyes real tight. Boy I did two tons of those paint jobs that made almost no money. Good luck and happy sanding
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