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Old 10-23-2018, 10:17 PM   #69
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Sounds like you're assuming the seller will hold your vision against you somehow if it differs from theirs - or that they even want you to carry out their vision. If they still had a vision for it, they wouldn't be selling it. People sell cars for money. Or space. Or money. Or divorce, which equals money.

I'd submit that an "it's none of your business" response (or attitude) to a seller interested in your plans is much less likely to improve the chances he will sell it to you than if you were to just share your plans, no matter what they are, or politely say "not sure yet" or "I don't know, just gonna enjoy it". Just don't understand the anger about a seller's interest in the future of what is currently his own vehicle.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with any seller asking that question. Period.

You posted and asked for our thoughts on this - and most every post has echoed a similar sentiment - that it's really no big deal at all. But I'm curious why you asked for our thoughts in the first place - doesn't appear it has affected your perspective. Were you expecting a bunch of people to pile on and say "yeah, I just hate when that happens!!" Anyway, we all have pet peeves, no worries. But. maybe don't be so hard on the old feller who truly loves his truck enough to actually care what happens to it even if he has chosen to sell it. Sometimes people sell because of circumstances (ref divorce=money comment above) and truly hate to see the truck go.
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