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Old 10-27-2018, 09:25 PM   #10
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Re: New 2001 in the barn :)

I'm finding out just how much room that 8.1 takes up. It took a little gymnastics just to change the oil filter, ha! Gonna have to rig up some sort of plastic funnel doo-hicky to avoid dousing the front driveshaft in oil ever time. Keep thinking I have an oil leak when I walk out to the truck, but it's just the remains of the oil change itself still dripping off the crossmember and d/s...

Btw, I ozone bombed the interior to get rid of the smoke smell. I'm gonna have to drag out a few cigars to get rid of the ozone smell now.. But, it is a big improvement. Smoke smell wasn't bad, but it was there. Can't tell now. Did a lot of scrubbing of the fabric, etc.

The spousal unit likes the chrome tube steps, of course. I really don't, never have liked the looks of them, and also don't like crawling around under em when I'm working on the truck. I like the old Kodiak Sidewinder steps, they're small and retract almost all the way out of the way, but nobody sells them anymore than I can find anyway. Anyway, while I refused to only drive with a passenger side tube step () I have a sneaky suspicion these tube steps are gonna go bye bye.

Found a mouse's nest under the air filter. A dead mouse, that is. That thing had trashed the inside of the filter housing. Luckily the filter did its job, nothing got thru, and no damage otherwise, just soap and water.
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