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Old 01-06-2019, 08:41 PM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 19,804
Re: Winner winner chicken dinner!

Over the years I had a lot of goofy contests and the one photoshopping Andys pic had a ton of funny submissions.

This one was supposed to be ... You figure out what being a board "friend" is and change your avatar picture to something a 13 year old girl would like. We did this years ago when she was around 8 (?) and there were tons of guys that wanted to win and changed their av pictures. It was very funny when you logged in and instead of trucks or "manly" av pictures guys had barbies, puppies and kittens, etc etc that would appeal to an 8 year old. People that weren't in the know could not figure out what the heck was going on, and new people logging in to the board for the first time were the same lol.

But Ive tried doing a few things over the last couple of years like we used to do and its just like I said, fizzled. Different times I guess, no biggie, I just wont bother doing any more. Maybe the proliferation of a million other social media sights has changed things up around here?
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