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Old 01-06-2019, 10:33 PM   #9
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Re: Need help choosing a trans

Ok and by the time you get a transmission what say 700R4. 1500$$$. The dont forget a tranny cooler and so it will shift. Whatever that is called. Say another 200. For that stuff. Probably more like 300. Then someone to install all this stuff another 300$$$ so we are at 2100. For just that stuff. Oh and a new steering column and stuff for that. Might as well spend extra money to get a tilt. Ok a NV4500. What about same 1500. New clutch flywheel pressure plate hydraulic clutch, etc, etc. What 500$$ maybe? About the same really. Cant sell truck without a tranny. But you can sell truck without Gear Vendor on it. And you would be able to recoup some if not all of your money in future. Guess am rambling on so you know what my vote is gonna be. LOL. Spend it now or later?? And look at all gas and motor wear you will be saving. And the best part is truck stays mostly original without more holes in floor. Just save up your money and do it right first time. My vote stays same. Good luck with your decision. Or you can just slow down and smell the Rose's a bit and live with what you got.

Last edited by painterljp; 01-06-2019 at 10:40 PM.
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