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Old 01-08-2019, 06:40 PM   #433
The Older Generation

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Location: Montezuma, Iowa
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Re: Working Man's Burbon

Originally Posted by crakarjax View Post
Yeah I'd be leery of installments, too easy for them to just decide not to deal with it down the road. You should at least have a police report on file for the record so they can't deny it later!

Should also be able to have them sign a contract and get it Notarized. Guy I know did that. It was with an an older guy that totaled his '65 Buick and the guy quit paying on it. The guy with the Buick sent the old guy an invoice every month and kept a copy of it with it marked whether it was paid or not. If it was paid he sent the guy a receipt marked paid for that month. The old guy died with quite a bit left to pay on the contract so the Buick owner turned the rest of the bill in when they were settling the estate. With the Notarized contract and the records he kept the bill had to be paid before the estate could be settled. I don't know if other states are the same as Iowa, but it would be worth checking into if the amount was large enough.


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