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Old 03-21-2019, 07:35 PM   #44
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Re: Project: Kechi AD S10 4.3 auto

its nice living in kansas for that reason, we almost moved to PA last year and the access to good parts that arent mostly rotted away was a small factor in the decision.

I built the pedal mount, tacked for now to make sure its right, but I cut two because I am sure its right. I kicked the brake pedal toward the driver a little more on this one.

visited wayne and got that cab/front clip. still undecided if I will use the clip from this truck on kechi, its not bad at all.

getting it up on the flatbed was... fun. made me wonder how I was going to get it off. in the recent past I would have let it sit for a few weeks but who knows what I will find in that time, so I tightened all the front clip bolts. its easier to break all the "through" bolts, the ones that arent threaded into a nutsert, by tightening than spend hours cutting or lubing and working. cut the column, got the hood off and positioned the truck to use the forklift.

this picture is a cab that ALMOST fell off the back of the truck

the frame only went to right behind the front cab mounts, and of course the cab bolts were rusted (stuck). I got the nuts off ok but everything was just sticking together. I beat the bolts till they moved up and out and gave a little shake to the cowl and... OOPS. the cab started leaning back and blessedly stopped right before going over center and falling off. it was actually pretty funny, the near miss, and I had to think which would be a better story, falling or not falling.

in other news, the thing I needed cash for, what made me sell the last one so fast, was a property with a nice shop and parking lot. that deal is almost completely dead, and its sad but not terminal haha. at least now I can order my cnc plasma table and bring those two nice blue 52s home.
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the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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