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Old 03-28-2019, 10:01 PM   #128
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Re: 49 GMC Five Window

Originally Posted by e015475 View Post
To your point - when the airbag compresses there will be a transient pressure spike. It will be interesting to see if the regulator follows it and what rate it will release pressure then try to refill it. If it does respond, I'm wondering what the hysteresis is in the regulator and if it will find the same pressure set point.

The check valve seems like it will add a bit of complexity to the system, as you've described it. I'm wondering if an orifice in the line might be enough to damp the pressure pulse to the regulator and keep it from reacting.

The big Class A motorhome folks with airbag suspensions sometimes use an auxiliary air tank mounted near the bag to increase the volume (and decrease the spring rate) and decrease the amplitude of pressure spikes to smooth out the ride. They call them a 'ping' tank and typically they're about a gallon in volume. This might tame the regulator response and give me a little better ride too.

It is fun to speculate, but I'm going to do what JoeDoh says and 'drive it and see what happens' (my first boss had a sign in his office that said 'there comes a time in every project when you have to fire the engineers and make something' - I guess it's time to stop thinking and try it!)

Stalk less and post more! Thanks for chiming in.

I've used a pig tank setup on machines that use a large air volume in spikes to buffer that spike. might be a great solution to stabilize and absorb the spikes. I'm not an airbag guy but I figured I would at least lend some thoughts when I could. I'd only be concerned if the compressor can't recover fast enough really...

and to be fair, I completely agree that there comes a time that the rubber has to meet the road.
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