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Old 05-11-2019, 08:58 AM   #21
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Re: 1969 C10 - Horrible condition, many body repairs

Your truck is exceptionally nice but your actions have caused some of us to have concerns. We know that even the best vehicles that have been around for 50 years may have some flaws. I think the culture of this board has been to openly disclose these flaws and allow people to take them into account when deciding whether to spend the money to travel to see a vehicle.

The photo in question pretty clearly shows a repair done in the door jamb, when this was questioned, the post was deleted and the photo was deleted from Kijili. Now there are several photos on the new post but a photo showing the area some of us were questioning is not there.

Again this is clearly a Very nice truck, but eliminating photos, and deleting posts seems less than forthright.
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