Thread: 47-55.1 eBay steering column
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Old 07-21-2019, 08:34 AM   #13
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Re: eBay steering column

Originally Posted by Livemeyer View Post
OK. Sigh. I hear this all the time. It's misconstrued. I'd like you to lay ididit, flaming river, GM factory and a Chinese knock-off and tell me where the differences lie so I know what I'm paying for. Some people always buy the best brand and I get that. For the extra cash they bring in on every sale they have enough profit to be great stewards of their brands for warranty and service, etc. But the actual item, I can't put my hands on them or see them up close so how do I know that the quality of ididit is twice that of a secondary brand?

And I expected the response about the factory GM stuff. Of course the factory stuff in the bone yard is the original stuff and has been engineered for it's specific purpose. But how safe is a steering wheel from a wrecked truck? And what fits? I can tell you personal style I don't want a new-looking steering wheel and column from a 1990's Suburban or an S10. Besides, from an engineering standpoint, all aftermarket manufacturers start with a factory part to work from. For them to sell their parts they have to interchange with other GM parts. Crane couldn't very well sell cams and roller rockers if they didn't fit properly into the engine block they were designed for.

And when it comes down to it, yes, I'm being cheap. I just spent $2k on engine work, another $750 in full exhaust, and hundreds of dollars in little parts to fix this or that thing. My interest mainly is in doing something once in the most affordable way, but also in a way that looks attractive to the truck and/or improves it's performance or functionality. I want the Ididit column, I truly do. I just don't know why it has to cost $600 when there are others that cost less than half. Answer that question and I'll delay my purchase until I have the cash.
half price = buy it twice. ask gigamanx, crossfire, or just do a search at the top for ebay column. this is probably what you will turn up.

believing you deserve a break from high prices because you have already spent a lot isnt really a good way to think about it, by the way. things cost what they cost. there are lots of budget tips on this forum and lots of guys that will help reduce costs of things that arent safety related, so dont get discouraged.
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