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Old 08-19-2019, 10:15 PM   #136
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Re: Project: Kechi AD S10 4.3 auto

thanks jim. I do too!

in application, the joedoh rule sounds like murphys law, with one fine distinction. if I state something with absolute certainty, the odds of me being wrong skyrocket. I worked on the front end like I said, but if you remember how bent and dented it was when I got it I decided to make sure it was super straight, especially the lower rear corners of the fenders. this meant straightening the rods too, and by the time I was done a whole afternoon had elapsed.

ARROW straight support rod, it used to look like a pretzel.

today the starter for the mower (that has been broken) showed up and so I braved the 107 heat index (right at 100 on the thermometer but humidity makes it feel hotter) and promptly gave myself heat stroke. no kidding! I was 3.5 acres into the 4 acre mow and the talk radio on the worktunes kept squawking about recognizing heat exhaustion, hot dry skin, weakness, and I realized I had stopped sweating and felt flushed. OOPS. I get in the truck cab and try to cool off, feel sweat on my lip and its salty, good sign, OOPS my nose is bleeding. barely get the mower loaded, drive home and take a cool shower while trying not to puke my guts out. finally better after that, but it was some serious stuff haha.

hey giga, if you are reading still, I looked through my stuff to see if I had those bolt in lower cups and sure enough I found them, along with most of two ART air bar setups (the rest of them is outside in the back yard), some old school air lift cups with bags, and all my super old school MIC manual valves.

before he had a TV show, ryan used to sell bag stuff in the late 90s, he had a string of trucks on the covers of minitrucks mag. love these manual valves, push a little for slow or push a lot for speed. doubt I will ever use em though.
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the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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