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Old 09-18-2019, 10:55 PM   #1008
Killer Bee
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Re: Post your keep up with Richard funnies

not to be unfunny in the funny pages, but in response to above..

back home they still have shop classes..

I donated all these small engine machines to a local business that distributes them to local school shop classes..

mom and I both struggled to figure out how to get rid of all that clutter and really warmed us up to find out our friend Doug does this.. Dad kept everything whether it would ever run or be used again or not.. although there is a bit of sentimental value there, he would have approved.. his '39 model 60 JD two banger underwent a 2 year restoration project at fort osage high school years ago.. he was so proud of those kids

the kids can repair and sell them, part out the ones beyond repair, etc. to donate or sell for school programs..

still hope for youth in our neck of the woods anyway

and yes I had to bring the truck back, too far to walk

I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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