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Old 09-23-2019, 02:18 PM   #23
Catchy title goes here..
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Location: Rockwell, NC
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I found the original post, and the one in question. My oh my what a mess. I do not believe Tim did a thing wrong. Yes, he is staff. He closed the thread because of the drama in it. Chevyland, I think had you reported the post, or PMd one of us, we may had been able to stop it before it got that way? Not sure, just speaking from past. I searched through the reported posts from the last 3 years and don't see any from you. We all know search sucks, so if I am wrong I apologize. If there is such a concern about sr members vs new members, I would had thought those would had been brought up to us. The other day I had to moderate a long term member who was just being hateful and rude. Their account was suspended for violations. The only new members I have moderated in that manner(in recent history) have been spammers.

I had a member accuse me of favoritism with older members in a bad deal recently. The person received a refund and was told to keep the parts, but the seller was still wrong in their mind. Because I did not remove this seller from the site, I was told that I was watching out for old friends.

I really get tired of the accusations like those without merit. If there is an issue, by all means bring it up. Report the post, shoot us a PM etc.. Just because we do not do things exactly as you believe they should be done (you being generalized at this point) does not mean we do not review issues and try to work things out in the best way. Most every staff member on this site works outside of here, Josh and I included. We may not be able to see every problem as it arises, but we try. If they are not reported, its hard to prevent problems. If we did not care, this site would had been sold out to the big guys years ago.

Please do not twist and take this post wrong. A simple PM or reported post would had been a lot less dramatic. Think about the new people coming in that see this and get the wrong impression of this forum, community and our commitment to the hobby.

BTW, the user who is never coming back was active an hour ago. Thats typically the way. Members that get mad and leave simply log out. The ones that post about it usually lurk and then either email me or start posting again. That is why we remove the im mad, i am taking my ball and leaving posts in most instances.


Originally Posted by Chevyland View Post

Got it
Or maybe the forum should have an area where guys can Speak Freely ??

It doesn’t seem to work very well, when moderators are in the controversy
And have the capability of closing anything
The don’t like to see written
Just FYI, if a mod does that they will be removed. We have cleaned house of all but 4 in the past. Again, a good reason for using the report post feature.

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 View Post
It's too bad that happened. I saw it coming and just decided it was best to steer clear of it. Maybe I should have spoke up.
Please let us know in the future. Thanks

Originally Posted by Warrens69GMC View Post
I let him know the path that was being taken. I usually acknowledge something ONCE, then move on and do not reference it again. I will also preface it as MY OPINION to do ________________.

However as he saw that I unsubscribed as things were getting petty and stupid, her brought the same subject again and again........
Again, reporting it could had helped.

Originally Posted by jimijam00 View Post
Expecting this forum to continue growth and see an increase in participation IS not realistic. ALL forums are declining.

"Old foggies" haven't moved on to newer social media options, whereas the younger ones have. Younger folks are NOT into cars/trucks as those that went before them, which even Stevie Wonder can see. Younger kids would rather Uber/Lyft or Reach/Turo.

Don't kid [nice pun] yourselves into believing that a decline in forum participation or membership is because some noobs get treated like all those noobs that went before them. Most of you weren't treated like a king or queen when you joined your first forum either, yet here you are. Forums were red hot for a decade, then came EVERYTHING else that technology had to offer in social media.

What IS different now is that the younger kids are more likely to wear their feelings on their sleeves, because its en vogue to fit in with all your other social media buddies that get plenty of attention from doing the same.

So yeah, that's just my opinion and I don't give a rats ass if anyone agrees, or even disagrees, with it or not.

Keep on truckin'
I agree on the trends, we have IG and FB and the thing I see there.. we have to off people all the time for being hateful, rude and general asses. The ones that have passion for the hobby do come here and join. Its kinda cool.
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