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Old 11-15-2019, 06:01 PM   #6
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Re: Finding my 85 K10

I had to laugh at the haystack comments. You acknowledged the unlikelihood of finding your truck in your very first sentence about winning the lottery. In fact if you consider that most lotteries' odds are more than one in a million, finding a needle in a haystack is pretty good odds. You could probably do it in a day or two -- faster with a good magnet, haha. Anyway, I can't help but wonder if your DOT can reference your automotive ownership history for the VIN. I assume if you had the VIN you would have posted it here. Truth be told, this is about the best place you could post this. Many of us notice every square body that goes by us, and etched windows are pretty uncommon.

If only that truck will do, you are in a rough spot considering the "gave for scrap" element in your story. From that perspective I agree with the hay-stackers and think that it's perfectly valid to start looking for the pieces you had / wanted on your truck back then + a talented glass etcher. Good luck, and we'd love to see you build it!

Last edited by LT7A; 11-15-2019 at 06:13 PM.
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